Optimize your Bedroom Design for Amazing Sleep

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The World Association of Sleep Medicine has been trying to increase awareness about the numerous benefits that sleep has on our mental and physical states. Apart from increasing concentration and thus productivity at work, having a good night’s sleep has numerous health benefits too. People who sleep well at night tend to have lower risks of strokes, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes amongst others. However, with increasing work pressure and an increasing population across the world, more and more people are suffering from sleep disorders ranging from insomnia to sleep apnea and narcolepsy. A substantial percentage of Singaporeans too are said to be suffering from one or another type of sleep disorder. In fact, a study conducted by Jawbone in 2014 concluded that Singaporeans clock in the fewest hours of sleep – a measly average of 6 hours and 32 minutes per day. However, timely help and making small lifestyle changes can significantly improve the sleeping pattern. If you too are someone who is struggling to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night, then read on and learn how you could improve the quality of your sleep by making small changes in your bedroom. Our simple tips on optimizing your bedroom for better sleep will help you nip the sleep problem in the bud and improve both your personal and professional life.

Hang dark curtains to completely shut out light

Light – even if dim – can significantly alter the sleeping pattern of the person inside the bedroom. So take charge and make this the first point to address in your quest to optimize your bedroom for good sleep. Make use of different ways to block out all forms of street light and other light entering your bedroom at night. You could hang thick, opaque window curtains to block out light or even use window blinds to completely shut out the light.

This highly comfortable bedroom has been designed by Queretaro-based Tectonico.

Keep things cool with a ceiling fan


The ideal sleeping temperature is between 32 °F and 35 °F. So ensure that your bedroom temperature falls in this range. You could opt for an air conditioner and set the temperature as recommended above or even choose to get a ceiling fan installed as Singapore does not experience too high a temperature even in the peak summers. This will not only help you ensure that the bedroom temperature is conducive for a good night’s sleep but will also help you save electricity too.

Use gentle, indirect lighting

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Another very important but oft ignored tip is to have indirect lighting in the bedroom to create a relaxed atmosphere. With time and evolution, the human body has developed to react to ambient lighting and thus releases alerting hormones in blue light and relaxing hormones in warm-hued lighting. So switch to warm-hued lighting in the evenings – by making used of low wattage bulbs, lamps with gold or red or even yellow tones - in your bedroom and see your mood and your body getting relaxed for a good slumber.

Soothing scents

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Next tip which will help you get a good slumber is to have soothing scents in your bedroom. Using aromatherapy oils or scented candles are said to promote better sleep. Hence, make use of oil burners, incense, and scented candles to fill your bedroom with a soothing smell that will surely help you have a good siesta at night. Since it is not safe to sleep with a candle burning in your room, you could burn scented candles in your bedroom from the evening so that by the time you retire to bed, the candle has burnt out and the sweet smell has filled your room. Or use aromatherapy oils in oil burners while you sleep.

Make it a tech-free zone


With technology occupying a major part of our day, make it a point to keep it out of your bedroom. Make your bedroom a no-entry zone for all your mobile phones, tablets, laptops and TV. Your bedroom should only be used to sleep and thus should have no place for your high-end technical gadgets.

Incorporate soft textures and textiles

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A cosy bedroom is always the most inviting kind of bedroom. So if you want to have a good siesta at night in your bedroom, try and make it as cosy as possible. Make use of plush rugs, textiles, and furnishings - which also trap noise – to help transform your bedroom into a cosy space that looks and feels inviting. Make use of cool colour shades like gray, blue and green to promote better sleep. Opting for muted, pastel shades of the above-mentioned colours have a more calming effect and thus could be the best option for those suffering from sleep disorders.

Opt for comfort

An uncomfortable bed is a sure shot way of compromising on the quality of sleep. So invest in one good quality big and comfortable bed. With research suggesting that an average person moves between 40-60 times in his/her sleep; it also makes sense to invest in a good quality mattress to aid in better sleep. Also do not store anything under your bed if you want to have a good night’s sleep.

Strike a balance

Make your bedroom symmetrical by having matching pairs of things so that it looks pleasing to the eye. Our brain is wired to respond positively to balance. Hence, promote calmness and order in your bedroom by having symmetry in it and thus make way for better sleep.

Now that you have read our sleepy tips, try incorporating them into your bedroom for a better sleep!

For more cosy ideas read Sleep better in your ideal bedroom.

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