How to protect your wooden house from rain

Mark Villanueva Mark Villanueva
AHSB - AHŞAP EV MODEL B, Kuloğlu Orman Ürünleri Kuloğlu Orman Ürünleri Casa prefabbricata
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Wood can drastically change your home's appeal. It provides a calming and comfortable atmosphere that can make your house feel like a refuge. Unfortunately, wood also requires quite a bit of maintenance to keep both its structural integrity and stylish charm. With this ideabook, we will be delving into some home care tips on how to maintain your wooden house and protect it against its worst enemies rain and moisture.

1. Start maintenance and repairs during summer

This is pretty basic. Always start your preparations, maintenance and repairs during the summer months, because once the rainy season hits, the wood of your home could be in danger of serious water damage when it gets waterlogged. Rain will also make repairs precarious and drastically more tedious, so always do your upkeep work on sunny days.

2. Apply fresh paint

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A splash of paint can do wonders not only in revitalizing the look of your home, it also plays a huge role in in protecting its wooden elements from moisture. It helps seal the grains of the wood where water could seep in and cause serious damage. Always remember to put a fresh coat of paint on wooden parts of your home that will be exposed to the weather, especially during the later months of summer. That's because direct sunlight can cause small cracks on the exterior of your paint allowing water to soak through into the wood which is likely to cause wood rot or invite a termite infestation.

3. Use a water sealant to keep away moisture

For people who don't want to touch the natural shade of the wood by painting over it, you can always choose to use water sealants. The great thing about water sealers is that it not only protects your wood from moisture, but it will also allow damp wood within the sealant to dry faster in order to avoid splitting, rotting, and warping.

3. Varnish

Another way to protect the wooden elements of your home from the rain is by applying some varnish. It gives the wood that extra sheen and helps prevent moisture from seeping into the grains. Like the water sealant, this will keep the natural look of the wood. However, this does not work as well as the paint or the water sealant, so try to use it only on wooden elements that are not directly exposed to the rain.

4. Use caulking compounds on exterior wood trims


Prevent rain from seeping in through small holes and gaps in your wood trims by applying a caulking compound. It's very important, however, that you inspect and maintain it every once in awhile, especially after long dry spells. Dry weather has a tendency to suck out all the moisture out of your caulking compound causing it to shrink and crack, which again will allow water to seep through into the wood once the rains come. So examine your home every now and then and re-apply the caulk where appropriate, but make sure that the wood you're applying it to is completely dry or else you'll be sealing all that moisture into it.

5. Check your balcony and deck slopes for pools

When it rains, make sure that the water flows away from the walls of your home and into a drainage system. If the rain stops and you notice that patches of your deck or balcony still pools water even after the other areas have dried out, that indicates a problem. It could either be that your outdoor furniture and accessories could be interfering with the flow of the water or you have a faulty drainage system. If you suspect a problem, contact an expert and prevent your decks and balconies from being ruined by water damage.

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