La porta blindata pivotante che coniuga sicurezza e design anche nelle grandi aperture. Di.Bi. Porte porta blindata pivot,porta blindata,apertura a bilico,porta a bilico,,di.big,montaggio standard,filo telaio interno,porte bilndate,porta,porte,Porte
La porta blindata pivotante che coniuga sicurezza e design anche nelle grandi aperture. Di.Bi. Porte porta blindata pivot,porta blindata,apertura a bilico,porta a bilico,,di.big,montaggio standard,filo telaio interno,porte bilndate,porta,porte,Porte

it’s a security door with pivoting opening. It’s flush with the frame and equipped with double lateral deadbolts in both sides of the door-leaf. Refined materials, accuracy in details and a stylish and simple design makes it an ideal piece of furniture for interiors; due to its thermal and acoustic performances and to the watertightness and air permeability, it’s also suitable for external use. Di.Big is available with three different installation solutions: standard, flush with the internal frame for boiserie and flush with the external frame

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