LA TERRAZZA DEI SENSI, architetto Lorella Casola architetto Lorella Casola Balcone, Veranda & Terrazza in stile mediterraneo Pianta,Proprietà,Cielo,Fiore,Vaso di fiori,Manto stradale,Ombra,Albero,Progettazione urbana,Erba
LA TERRAZZA DEI SENSI, architetto Lorella Casola architetto Lorella Casola Balcone, Veranda & Terrazza in stile mediterraneo Pianta,Proprietà,Cielo,Fiore,Vaso di fiori,Manto stradale,Ombra,Albero,Progettazione urbana,Erba

The terrace of the senses is located in Naples, a Mediterranean city where the pleasantness of the climate and the strength of the natural elements have always influenced man’s life, vital rhythms and habits.

As in most of the cities with an irregular growth and a difficult socioeconomic framework, people had to adapt to those changes which, influencing their modus Vivendi, push them to live their territory in a conflictual way. The only possibility to find an equilibrium, between themselves and what sorrounds them, is then their private space (home).

Architecture acts as an intermediary between the “outside” and the “inside”. It creates places where people can live their private lives. Moreover it can be held responsible for a correct interchange and integration between the “inner” and the “outer” world.

Planning and designing an external private space is the occasion to give birth to an intermediate place which will heal the relationship between “in” and “out” and put people and natural rhythm in contact again. It will also create continuity and harmony between a social life and an inner life , between man and nature.

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